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Feb 5, 2023

Types of title deeds in Turkey

With the growing interest in real estate ownership in Turkey, investors and real estate owners in Turkey have raised questions about the title deed of "Tabu". What are the types of title deeds in Turkey? What is the meaning of real estate easement? What does agricultural title deed mean? Can more than one owner share a joint title deed? What are the procedures and costs of the title deed in Turkey? How is the commercial register converted to residential and vice versa? 

Turkish Title Deed (Tabu) in Turkey 

The document that regulates a particular property, verifies the property ownership of the person mentioned in the document, provides information about the property and survey numbers and locates the property. This document is regulated by the Land Registry Directorate. 

Title deed is granted only to the owner of the property (legal owner) and people who have rights other than ownership (such as a lessor or mortgage) are not granted title deed. If the property is owned by more than one person, one deed is presented showing each person’s share in the property, and each of them can be given a special deed, but it shows the share of the deed owner in the property, where he writes the owner’s name in the owner’s field with his share. 

The title deed shows the ownership of the person (full or partial) mentioned in the deed, if a person’s name is only mentioned in the owner box without mentioning one-third or 1/5 or other, it means that the property is owned by the person named in the deed only, If the percentage is mentioned, then this means that there is a partner, and the person named in the property owns the amount of the percentage mentioned in the bond, such as the partners in ownership are partners in all parts of the property, that is, the real estate partner does not own a designated part of the property and the other partners have other parts, but they are all partners in all. 

Each apartment within a building or villa has the right to full ownership or easement. It is an independent property in its own right, so each of these parts must be subject to a special document.

Types of title deeds in Turkey 

There are several types of title deeds in Turkey depending on the type of property, the most important of which are: 

1. Land and Agriculture title deed in Turkey 

These properties that have been registered as empty lands are valid or unsuitable for construction. This piece of land must fall within an area included in the reconstruction plan to obtain land status for reconstruction. However, acquiring land status does not mean constructing a building, or organizing a project and taking a building permit on this plot. It is necessary to look and check with the relevant municipality about the status of the reconstruction of the area. The plot may be located on the road or designated for a public park or green area and the like. 

The property that is described as a field is agricultural land, but sometimes the land or plot registered in the title deed may be agricultural land that has been granted reconstruction status due to a change in the reconstruction plan in the area, while remaining on the title deed as agricultural land because there is no revision to the change of type real estate. In these cases, the information must be obtained from the relevant municipalities. 

2. Construction and building title deed in Turkey 

In this type of title document, the main public ownership information is mentioned, without mentioning the private information related to the separate divisions of the property. This means that the property is registered as a single unit not divided into separate sections such as townhouses, sheds, warehouses, factories and similar buildings. 

3. Real Estate Facility Deed 

They are documents to register the right of ownership of the property after the final completion of its establishment and the appointment of the independent sections in it with approval to use each section separately, and each section is arranged for the full ownership that proves the ownership of the property.

In addition to the types of title deed, it has two colors and each color has a meaning. Red title deed is prepared in Turkey when the entire building is completed. It can be the red title deed, or the title deed for apartments, villas, or commercial units. The blue title deed in Turkey is prepared for lands devoid of any housing units. When a person buys empty land, a blue title deed is awarded. 

How can I get a title deed in Turkey? 

If you are asking about how to buy a property in Turkey, you are required to obtain an appointment from the Land Registry Directorate to transfer the title deed. The Land Registry Office makes an appointment for you and sends you information about the amount you have to pay for the transfer of Title deed in Turkey. You can go to the land registry office with the property owner on the day of your appointment by paying the amount of the fee. Title deed transactions can take 1-2 days to complete. 

finally, there is what is called the link in the real estate title deed law, which is that the person who bought the property mortgages the house as a guarantee for the payment of the bank loan to the property. Hypothec is a record entered in the Land Registry as confirmation of repayment of a debt. Hypothec is removed when the debt is paid off. 

The person who buys the property applies to remove the mortgage from the property, and if there is a mortgage on the property you purchased, it must be removed before the title deed can be transferred. The Title deed process can be a complicated case for a foreigner, so we recommend that you obtain an advisory service from a specialized real estate company.

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